The Ruinist spent some of their late 90's time living near this probably mid or late 80's radical feminist graffiti under the rail bridge on Rotherhithe New Rd, London SE16 by the Rotherhithe Industrial Estate.
Although The Ruinist would pass it by many times a week, The Ruinist now has now no memory of what it said. In looking again for it The Ruinist thought it was the classic 'Curfew On Men' feminist graffiti that was ubiquitous in London at this time (as common as the 'Republic Now' graf that also featured heavily round South London!). The Ruinist can see the word 'Feminist' in the remains of this classic white paint and brush slogan. Does anyone remember what it said?
The Ruinist was in those days also partial to the two other 90's graffiti's that appeared along Rotherhithe New Rd. The first on the then wooden fence before the coming of the retail park there that was put up on the night of 17th January 1991 when the US began bombing Iraq in what's now known (totally tragically) as the First Iraq War. The slogan ran (and also in two other places close by on Old Kent Rd): NO WAR BUT THE CLASS WAR. The second favourite was the green spraypaint KILL BNP SCUM that was on the white tiles of the railway bridge opposite the junction with Raymouth Rd. That was done at the time of the BNP / NF being active in The Blue in Bermondsey just up the road with regular paper sales for a short time. Soon seen off though:
The graffiti said "Useless Class War Twat...Get a Life" .
Get Two Lives,
Get Three Lives...
How many?
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