It is sweeter to wander with the wretched and outcasts than to sit crowned with roses at the banquets of the rich
Elisee Reclus

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A/drift in Exile (in which we return to the main themes of HomelessHome)..more moaning.

Last fortnight I was 'verified' by the HB and had my Jobsearch 'enhanced' by the DWP. I can now be fined at my house £50 On-The-Spot Penalty for not putting my rubbish in the communal bins (assuming the Community Environmental Officers can find my address on a scrap of bill, entitled though they now are to open and search through my household waste!). Once again, the Pest Control team desire to again visit my flat between the anti-social behavioural hours of 7.30 in the morning to 7 at night. 'The appointment cannot be for a specific time. We are duty bound to inform The Council of any flats that do not allow access. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter'. This will be the second time in a month. Maybe I am the Pest.
In the battle or wars between DRIFT and ADRIFT there are serious consequences...


1 comment:


I left this comment up with some irony